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The GS1000S "Cooley" Registry

This page will list serials of the GS1000S models.

The registry was started to get an idea of how many Suzuki GS1000S bikes were produced.

Based on the VIN range for the 1979 GS1000S (SN) 521285 - 528510, there were approx. 7,000 produced.

Chassisnumbers for the 1980 GS1000S (ST) start at 528511, ranging to 535500 ??
535232 is the highest number in the registry.
About a thousand between 531000 to 532000 appear to be used for the "ET" model,
which would mean about 5,000 produced.

the registry will be available for download soon.
If you have a GS1000S bike that is not listed, please let me know and i will include it.